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Community Update

Team from the Academy for Science and Design Wins First Place at MATHCOUNTS Competition.

On Saturday, February 1, 2014 the 31st annual Southern New Hampshire Regional MATHCOUNTS competition was held in Bedford, New Hampshire.  The team from the Academy for Science and Design coached by Karen Legault and Seema Sundara came in first place and will be competing at the State meet on March 8, 2014.  The students on the team are Owen Long, Sathvika Korandla, Kunaal Sundara and Amol Khanna. In addition, ASD student Raj Das also qualified as one of the top four individuals who are not on any team to advance to the state competition. The team from ASD competed against other regional middle school teams in this prestigious competition, which engages the best and brightest in middle school mathematics in an exciting math competition.

The MATHCOUNTS Competition Series ( is America’s only nationwide competition program that motivates and rewards middle school students for math achievement. MATHCOUNTS inspires excellence, confidence and curiosity in U.S. middle school students through fun and challenging math programs.  More than 100,000 students in more than 6,000 schools register annually to compete in the MATHCOUNTS Competition Program. 

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